[pp.int.general] Our votes, and our problem with amendment 3 having been annulled

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Thu Nov 27 15:43:32 CET 2008

Carlos Ayala schrieb:

> If representatives want to replace me as Pirate Manifesto's
> responsible, I'll have no objection -more time for other issues-;
> however, if they trust me to finish the job -we're really close;
> after those debates we'll have the Final Draft-, I'll work hard to
> make it. It's up to all representatives, not just you.

of course, lets make a quick check (deadline is 29.11. 23.59 UTC), who
supports you for the further amendment process after your prior wording.
My vote is:

[x] we need a different person, who has a more decent temper
[ ] Carlos is fine, we like being called liars in here

intermediary result:


PS: no quorum for this one

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