[pp.int.general] Terrorism, and you

Ray Jenson ray.jenson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 18:39:31 CEST 2008

On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Reinier Bakels <r.bakels at planet.nl> wrote:
>> Because of this, I distrust anything that is supposedly done
>> in the name of the "war on terrorism".

At no other point in human history can we find any world leader who
has curtailed the liberties of a population as much from the beginning
of their reign to the end as George W. Bush. Not even Hitler,
Napoleon, Queen Elizabeth I, nor any leader that I can find in history
who has used any excuse one can name to limit the freedoms of a people
has done as much destruction to the power of law in their homeland as
our current President. Most of the places that put their own monsters
in power had a problem with the rules to begin with. Our only
shortcoming was in our use of the electronic voting machines to steal
two elections.

All I can say is, I'm thankful that the next election is coming,
because at least this time we all *know* it's going to be stolen

> My recollection is that some American anti-piracy acts explicty are named
> "deterrence" acts. While any crminal law is supposed to have some sort of a
> deterrent effect, such naming shows that the purpose of those law is to
> induce fear at major groups of citizens - which is a definition of
> terrorism! Or does it make a difference if terrorism serves the noble
> purpose of fostering entertainment companies shareholder value? Bin Ladn
> bing an assohole because he does not have shareholders .......

You bring up an interesting point, but I still say that the
entertainment industry isn't interested in the money so much as it's
interested in the power to control human minds. This makes it
imperative that we make videos of our own to compete. Even bad home
videos on a cheap webcam are better than nothing.

I don't even have the money for a cheap webcam. I'm now broke, because
I'm not allowed to work due to a heart condition. I live off of my
fiancee and our roommate. But I still have ideas.

Anyone who has a webcam and wants some ideas, email me directly. I'm
going to help the pirate movement join the Pirate Party in a way that
allows both to support one another and yet operate independently.

Special thanks to the Democratic Party for their assistance in this
regard... even if they didn't realize that's what they did. ;-)


Ray Jenson
Promotions Officer
Pirate Party of the United States
ray.jenson at gmail.com
ray.jenson at pirate-party.us
redheron at pirate-party.us

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