[pp.int.general] German Pirates on 11%

Philip Hunt cabalamat at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 17 21:21:53 CEST 2009

I've just read an article suggesting that PP.de might get 11% in the
general election in September:


According to an IP based analysis of LifeGen.de the German Pirates
Party could get as much as 11 percent of the electoral votes in the
late September federal elections. The German Social Democratic Party
could experience an extraordinary meltdown falling to 17 Percent.
Given such facts Germany is expecting a curious outcome - and
Chancellor Angela Merkel could become the tragic loser, despite the
expected majority of votes for her party.

According to our own poll analysis the government of Angela Merkel
will have no majority after the federal elections. The Christian
Democratic Party (CDU) could get as much as 32 percent - but with the
expected 17 percent coming from the SPD this would be not enough to
form a stable majority.

Up to now many analysts think the Liberals (FDP) to obtain about 15
percent - and by this even a CDU/FDP coalition seems to be a kind of
mission impossible.

According to our own IP-based analysis the majority of lost votes
migrate from the SPD to the Pirates Party, which could obtain as much
as 11 percent.

Can anyone in Germany comment on how well-founded this report is? And
what is an "IP-based analysis" anyway?

Obviously it would be wonderful if PP.de got 11%, but I'm not going to
publicise this unless I get some indication of its veracity.

Philip Hunt, <cabalamat at googlemail.com>
Campaigns Officer / Press Officer, Pirate Party UK

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