[pp.int.general] German Pirates on 11%

Philip Hunt cabalamat at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 17 22:08:27 CEST 2009

2009/8/17 np <np at planetarc.de>:
> In the "official" polls we're around 2%. However, the official polls are
> based on random telephone interviews. These polls have a systematic
> error as well as most of our potential voters use mobile phones and are
> not listed in the phone book. Or they may have a conventioal telephone
> line but are not at home during the work/poll hours.
> To be honest I don't have *any* idea how much votes we will get as you
> can't trust any of the poll systems. Online and offline polls are broken
> by design when it comes to us pirates :-)
> I think we have to wait and see how good/bad we perform.

Yes. But from the information you've given me, it's possible that PP
may breach the 5% threshold.

Which would help PP.uk a fair bit -- there's going to be a by-election
probably in November, which PPUK is considering fighting. If german
Pirates do well, news of the success may give us a boost.

Philip Hunt, <cabalamat at googlemail.com>
Campaigns Officer / Press Officer, Pirate Party UK

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