[pp.int.general] Open positions in PPI

Valentin Villenave v.villenave at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 13:49:22 CET 2009

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Sven Clement <sven.clement at gmail.com> wrote:
> I understand Samirs concerns about being completely transparent but I do
> think that at LEAST the members (the parties) should get ALL information
> that there is. Including but not limiting to complete IRC-logs, information
> about meetings with other organizations, status of the incorporation of PPI,
> etc.

OK, I've just been having a lo(oo)ng phone call with Valio, and I'm
happy to report that him and me (and therefore probably everyone who
knows what a PITA handling a Pirate Party can be) are on the same

More information will be added on the wiki, the coreteam will mail us
national PPs everytime there's a need to clear things up, and personal
antagonisms will be addressed . The guys are just doing their best,
albeit probably not always in the most tactful manner... Long story
short, the PPI is not spinning out of control as I feared it might be.

Hopefully soon we all can go to Brussels and grab a beer together,
then we'll realize there's really nothing to get overexcited (or
pissed) about.


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