[pp.int.general] Call for weapons - translation wanted!

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Fri Feb 27 19:45:41 CET 2009

Glenn Kerbein schrieb:
> Seems neat if you're an extremist anti-copyrightist. (Yes, I just
> conjured up a word)

looks like the german pirate party then would fall into this category.
We have a passage in our party platform that states (rough quick
"We demand to not only legalize the noncommercial copying, storing,
using and making accessable of digital works, but to even encourage it,
in order to improve the access of society to information, knowledge and

but in fact i dont think its exactly anti-copyright when you demand,
that copyright should only regulate commercial activity (like stated in
the Uppsala-Declaration).

Nevertheless i might be anti-copyrightist, since we in germany _dont
have a copyright_ . Our Urheberrecht is still different from it and i
would like to preserve that differences instead of abandon them.

best regards,
Jens Seipenbusch
vice chairman
international coordination
german pirate party
js at piratenpartei.de

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