[pp.int.general] where is the manifesto?

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 5 03:48:08 CET 2009

Will Pomes wrote:
> Guys, let us take a step back from this arguement. It is easy to see from the outside that both of you seem angry now, so lets try and focus on the issue and not on each other.
As I said in my last mail, I hope people will be able to send to this 
list mails "/without inaccuracies, strawmen figures and scornful 
statements/"; I think that adult, mature and respectful people is able 
to debate without resorting to that.
> You two both need to calm down, and stop the ad hominem attacks. Though I am a proponent of loud and fervent debates, this is has morphed into a name calling match.
However, I reject the idea of me having done /ad hominem/ attacks: if 
anyone talks /on behalf of/ others in vain, pointing that out is not /ad 
hominem/; nor it's /ad hominem/ to quote certain scornful and/or 
insulting words used by others; nor it's /ad hominem/ to complain about 
others using strawmen figures -i.e., those others blaming certain people 
of things we never said/done-.

Also, I think that if someone pushes another person and that person 
complains "/hey! stop pushing me!/", it's unfair to hear "/hey both of 
you, calm down/" -because I think it equates aggressor and insulted-. I 
believe that being taken away the right to reply when someone uses that 
kind of language -by the way, without almost anyone having warned that 
individual at any of the many times he did use that kind of language- 
would be unfair. What am I supposed to do, Will, next time that Reinier 
launches sort of "/this is the way we should think, and if you don't, 
you are a fifthcolumnist / stupid / radical / fundamentalist / etc/" 
statements? Regards,

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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