[pp.int.general] where is the manifesto?

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 5 13:46:12 CET 2009

Will Pomes wrote:
> You are right that you have thus far avoided ad hominem attacks, however, the debate has strayed into an area where they are likely to be used.
> As to what we should do when he says that, I don't know. One solution is simply to ignore it. Another is to start a personal correspondence with him outside of the mailing list.
I did it some days ago, that approach of the personal correspondence; I 
(then) even offered him to shake hands, and he refused. He even denies 
being using scornful and/or insulting language.
> I agree with you assessment of equating aggressor and insulted, and I apologize for the inherent unfairness of my comment.
I accept it, and hope that as you requested, we all -including myself- 
may be able to debate without trespassing the limits of the due 
politeness. Regards,

                    Carlos Ayala
                     ( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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