[pp.int.general] Reinier & PPNL

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Thu Jan 15 17:52:06 CET 2009

Core TX wrote:
> When it comes to Reinier his statement,
> I stand by his side. I see verry little added value in the new 
> "manifest" when compared to the original swedish "declaration of 
> principles' that i use as a main guideline.
I think there are obvious differences -differences that don't prevent 
Piratpartiet to sign any of those drafts- between Swedish principles and 
Pirate Manifesto Final Drafts, and those difference can be united in 
only one pointed by Andrew Norton: while Swedish declaration of 
principles talks about what Piratpartiet wants for the Swedish scope 
-and even also for the EU scope-, *Pirate Manifesto talks about what we 
all, the pirate parties, want as a joint movement*.

In that sense, and while PIRATA has problems with Draft B -because of 
the exclusion of the "/or other social or personal circumstances/" 
(change made by a Jens who himself was aware of the risks of removing 
it) and because of the author's rights controversy (already largely 
discussed in this mailing list)-, Andrew defined perfectly Pirate 
Manifesto as a /Venn diagram/ -i.e., not as what contains all what we 
want as national parties, but as what contains everything that we all 
agree on-. It was conceived last year in Berlin as a way to allow us to 
work in the international scope as an united movement -in UN, in EU, and 
in the rest of international forums- being aware of what we jointly 
want, and helping to use it in our advantage when making joint claims, 
giving us maximum strength.

Isn't it enough added value? I think it is. Regards,

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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