[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto and different versions

Anton Tamminen anton.tamminen at piraattipuolue.fi
Thu Jan 15 09:32:24 CET 2009

I see no problem in Reinier presenting a document of his own. He informs 
us he will produce a manifesto through a different approach than the 
manifesto project, and that is all well. If someone is able to present a 
manifesto we all can agree on, then please present one. It doesn't 
matter how it was put together or if it was prepared outside our 
collaborative efforts - the only thing that matters is quality; 
everything else is irrelevant right now.

Whether or not Reinier should have participated more actively in the 
collaborative manifesto project is a personal matter and does not belong 
on this list. I've had enough of these pointless flamewars.

What I wish to accomplish with the Helsinki conference is to bring us 
all closer to one another so that we could have a team spirit that would 
benefit collaboration instead of everyone waging wars against each 
other. Some time ago, while attending a parliamentary event on the 
development and future of the information society in Finland, I enjoyed 
a presentation about how the information society will (or should) change 
parliamentary politics from a "democracy of insisting" to a 
"wikidemocracy" (democracy of collaboration). I wish we too could move 
from insisting to collaborating.

Anton Tamminen
International Secretary, Member of the Board
Piraattipuolue - The Pirate Party, Finland

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