[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: status of internal ballots

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Fri Jan 16 17:01:12 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
>> By letting one's opponents veto one's goals, one decides, in effect, 
>> to advocate only the smallest of changes. This way one attracts only 
>> people who have no larger vision. Thus, once started on that path, a 
>> party is stuck on it.
> I don't  talk about opponents, I talk about lawyers - with very 
> factual objections.
David Bravo is a lawyer, and sympathizes with most (almost all?) PIRATA 
goals. Carlos Sanchez Almeida, Javier de la Cueva and other Spanish 
lawyers specialized in author's rights ... may sympathize with us, may 
not ... the thing is that they defend simmilar viewpoints.

Why do you so often talk about /lawyers/ as if you were talking on their 
> There is a dire need for immediate action - proposals such as 
> shortening the copyright term to five years will hinder rather than 
> support the above priorities.
5/10/20/30 years ... it depends on the pirate party you talk with. 
Again: while it seems to be obvious that such goals are long-term goals 
-i.e., not likely to be made in the short-term-, it won't make us to 
give up on them. And those claims are compatible with action; I believe 
that you quite often present false dichotomies -normally following the 
model /my viewpoint/ (e.g., giving up our long-term claims ... yes, 
*our* ... check pirate parties to see which one doesn't aim for 
shortening commercial author's rights term & scope) /vs the chaos/ 
(e.g., hinder rather than support /your?/ priorities)-.

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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