[pp.int.general] philosophy vs. action

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at pr.unimaas.nl
Sat Jan 17 13:03:43 CET 2009

>> This is the core of the confusion. The present PP manifesto(s) start from 
>> human rights.
> Wrong. It starts from *democracy*, specifically with the following first 
> words: "/The stated purpose of democracy is that the government represents 
> the people/".

I skipped that as completely obvious. Or if you believe that PP should 
(also) strive for governance reform - I think PP should stay out of that. 
The basics are obvious, the details are controversial, and vary by country. 
I am opposed against (most) referenda, but I am aware that many PP 
supporters favour referenda.

> About the rest of your mail, belongs to a cyclic exposition of thoughts

Boaring, isn't it? Why do you force me to address the same topics again and 


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