[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: status of internal ballots

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Sun Jan 18 09:35:52 CET 2009

Per von Zweigbergk wrote:
> Have you actually read the Pirate Manifesto drafts lately? I think you 
> have formed an opinion about the contents of the drafts through your 
> endless discussions on this list that you have forgotten what it 
> actually says. And it is about this distorted image of the manifesto 
> drafts that you are talking about.
> There is no specific legalistic argument made about the entire body of 
> any human rights legislation, there are five specific aspects to basic 
> human rights in a purely philosophical perspective put forward.
> So please stop arguing with everyone that the Pirate Manifesto starts 
> with a legalistic view on Human Rights, until you have re-read the 
> actual manifesto proposals carefully, word for word, trying to ignore 
> your preconceptions. And only post criticism of the manifesto by 
> quoting exactly the passage you're criticizing. Otherwise, this is not 
> a discussion about the manifesto, but instead a discussion on pirate 
> political strategy in general or about personal opinions.
Simply: thank you for such accurate comments.
> And Carlos, how do you have time to actually be chairman of your party 
> and to do actual party related work with all the cyclical posting that 
> you're doing on this list? It must be very time consuming for you also.
I also attend to two college subjects (Digital Electronic Systems and 
Distributed Architectures) and have a part-time job. It's easy: just 
don't sleep xDDD No, seriously: one does the best possible effort, and 
later party members are the ones up to evaluate both those efforts and 
the results they bring to continue whether to keep trusting me or rather 
choosing a different person.

By the way, I feel very proud of working and presiding PIRATA at the 
same time: it gives me full economic independence, without depending on 
other sources of incomes of any nature; also, it allows me to cover all 
or almost all my PIRATA costs -and, as well as many PIRATA members do, 
to give an extra share to finance party's own costs (e.g., 
administrative and website costs)-, what is very important for a party 
with shortage of funds. Don't know, maybe I have an /spartan/ 
personality -I enjoy good food and good wine, however I can live just 
eating /spaghettini studiantini/ (i.e., pasta & fried tomatoes again and 
again, again and again ... you should try it, it's quite funny and 
nutritive :-D) for months, even years; my former flat partners can 
support such statement- ...


Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Pirata National Board's Chairman

P.S.: Talking about mailing to the PPI list leaving me time to do 
presidential/National Board's duties: we, the PIRATA National Board, 
e.g. had time to start, with the essential help of the PIRATA IT Group, 
our internal ballot on Final Drafts, as well as fulfilling other tasks 
-like summoning the Fifth PIRATA National Assembly (first one to be held 
online), and starting a legal wiki site to be used by PIRATA as our 
information central to help us on our legislative efforts-; also, except 
for these weeks as I have exams soon (though I'm not studying quite 
much), I almost always have time to go at least once to collect 
signatures to help the party where I belong being able to concur to EU 
Election. Actually, when one wants to find time to do things, there is 
always at least a bit of time ... remember, just don't sleep xD

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