[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Sun Jan 25 21:33:51 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
> Fellow pirates, before you wonder what this long mail is about: the 
> issue was whether PP(I) needs an underlying philosophy. I argued not 
> to be overly concerned, if only because many established and 
> successful(!) political parties don't have explicit "philosophies" 
> either ....
I guess you equate success not with successful policies (passing Swedish 
FRA, Spanish Author's Rights law, French DADVSI and such is not 
successful at all, at least thinking of citizens of those countries), 
but with successful ballot results (i.e., large amounts of votes).

If I'm right about what you mean, I have to say that many established 
and 'successful' parties make too many things that are rejectable -e.g.: 
in Spain, established & 'successful' parties lack inner democracy; they 
also often act against the will of their voters, even not observing 
their political platforms; they're affected by too many corruption 
scandals; and a long et cetera-, so it's up to us to decide what can be 
used from those parties as an example and what not. And for PIRATA, 
having a philosophy is a requirement, to have clear guidelines both for 
our internal working and for our external image.

I believe it's not a good idea to follow what established and 
'successful' parties do just because of being 'successful'. There have 
to be, in my opinion, other worthy reasons, and reasons case by case, 
issue by issue; it's not about systematically doing the opposite of what 
traditional parties do, nor about doing systematically what they do.

Carlos Ayala
                  ( Aiarakoa )

Pirata National Board's Chairman

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