[pp.int.general] purpose of manifesto

Per von Zweigbergk per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se
Mon Jan 26 19:10:55 CET 2009

26 jan 2009 kl. 18.54 skrev Reinier Bakels:

> * Didn't I say before that the inappropriateness of the "IP" concept  
> was already acknowledge by the great and undisputed German scholar  
> Josef Kohler (1849-1919)? He proposed the term  
> "Immaterialgüterrechte" (rights on immaterial goods).

In Swedish, the term "immaterialrätt" (lit. immaterial rights) is used  
(146.000 hits in Google). The terminology "immateriell egendom" (lit.  
immaterial property) also exists but is much less common (4.360 hits  
in Google).

That doesn't stop people promoting stronger Imaginary Property (IP)  
rights from calling those who file share illicitly thieves.

Unfortunately, when it comes to harmful newspeak, the terminology  
"Intellectual Property" is not really that harmful, compared to the  
meme that "copyright infringement is theft". That's the real fallacy  
that needs to be met. The average internet user isn't thinking about  
"intellectual property" versus "immaterial rights", he is thinking  
about "sharing" versus "theft". And it is in the "sharing copies"  
versus "stealing works" divide that I think is the most useful to  
drive a wedge ito.
Per von Zweigbergk

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