[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 26 20:15:15 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
>> However we do have a strategy -look at the pirate parties at a glance-:
>> http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_parties_at_a_glance
> Yes, I know, I know, and I *never* get tired to explain y position.
Just a question: how many times do you think would be needed to explain 
your position in order to make it understood by us?

I think it's already understood, so I guess you don't just try to 
explain yourself to us, but to convince us. Maybe you'll be successful 
with some folks, and unsuccessful with the rest; so, won't you stop 
until you've convinced all of us about following your position? Maybe 
I'm wrong, and I hope so, as otherwise I would dislike having someone 
not accepting others' disagreement.
>> - civil rights & liberties (privacy, freedom of speech, etc)
> I explained why I do not endorse this issue as a PP strategy principle 
> 1) it is indirect 2) it is obvious 3) it is ambiguous, and may also be 
> used quite contrary to PPs objectives 4) it is overused
Fortunately, PPI policies are not going to be set -as far as I know- by 
a single person or a single party, and specifically are not going to be 
unilaterally set by you. Thus, if you have in that link what pirate 
parties aim to in our respective national scope, what is this about, 
Reinier? How is not clear yet for you which are in a general sense 
-i.e., besides the controversies (which originated the three drafts) in 
two specific points- which are the PPI aims?
>> - enhancing freedom of information (encouraging the information society,
> Without further substantiation, this is an empty statement everybody 
> will subscribe to
Read the Manifesto drafts -I don't remember whether it was Per who said 
that you seemed not to have fully read the text you so deeply criticize-.
>> changing the patent system, changing the author's rights system)
> OK, this is more or less the core - but change is more a means to an 
> end, and in a "manifesto" the end should be specified.
Read the Manifesto drafts.
>> - public office transparency & accountability
> I am strongly opposed against this objective, because (at least in a 
> Dutch setting) this would put the PPs on one line with (usually far 
> right wing) populist parties who blame the political system not to be 
> responsive to the real needs of real people. In my perception, the 
> problem is much simpler: the typical PP interests (e.g. og *users* of 
> copyrighted works) are not properly represented in politics, which is 
> probably to a large extent due to a lack of public awareness. 
Ok, you disagree; however, Piratpartiet (Sweden), Pirate Party (USA), 
somehow Piratpartiet (Denmark) -"/a democratic society needs a 
transparent state and non-transparent citizens/"-, Piraten Partei 
(Germany), Parti Pirate (France), Partia Piratow (Poland), probably 
PIRATA from next march (Spain), Piraattipuolue (Finland) and Pirate 
Party (Australia) explicitly back it; and others like Partido Pirata 
(Chile), Piraten Partei (Austria) and such probably don't oppose it.

So, if in one hand we have 9 parties supporting something and others not 
opposing to that something, and in the other hand we have you rejecting 
that something ... well, maybe I'm not quite of all democratic specs -I 
think I am, however who knows ...-, anyway I believe the scenario is 
crystal clear ...
> Again, many political parties prosper with only a few basic 
> principles. And I am prepared to write the PPs pinciples - on just one 
> A4 sheet.
So you -one person- are prepared to write the pirate parties -more than 
a dozen organizations with thousands of members- principles. Have you 
ever heard of inner democracy, Reinier? Do you know what it is?

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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