[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Christian Hufgard christian.hufgard at piratenpartei-hessen.de
Wed Jan 28 17:18:21 CET 2009

Hi Jens,

> Will Pomes schrieb:
>> I understand now. This is similar to a type of leadership that some US
>> congressmen and senators follow. Thanks for clarification.
> on the contrary,
> I pointed out to the german pirates, that i wont decide on my own when
> it comes to the manifest.
> I see our role at the manifest solely in working on a draft, that we
> representatives *think* will be agreeable by our members.
> Therefor i objected to certain passages of the draft and still do so.
> If we have a draft, then we will have a vote, in the german pirate party
> like hopefully in the others. There is no use working on a draft with
> some thousand pirates spread over europe.

Well, if I remember you do not allow anybody else than your person to  
decide the changes that have on the manifesto in name of the german  
pirate party. At the end we just can vote against the manifesto or not.

Not the way of democray most of the pirates in germany like.


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