[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Wed Jan 28 17:56:38 CET 2009

Carlos Ayala Vargas wrote:
> Jens Seipenbusch wrote:
>> I see our role at the manifest solely in working on a draft, that we 
>> representatives *think* will be agreeable by our members. Therefor i 
>> objected to certain passages of the draft and still do so. If we have 
>> a draft, then we will have a vote, in the german pirate party like 
>> hopefully in the others. There is no use working on a draft with some 
>> thousand pirates spread over europe.   
> So, what has Piraten Partei decided? To reject Drafts A, B & C?
> Or you, Jens Seipenbusch, personally, have decided that those weren't 
> valid drafts and thus have decided not to hold a Piraten Partei's 
> ballot on Pirate Manifesto's Final Drafts?
To make myself understood: not just as Pirate Manifesto responsible, but 
also as PIRATA's representative, I need to know if the right info about 
Piraten Partei and Pirate Manifesto is "/Piraten Partei signs Draft X/", 
"/Piraten Partei refuses to sign any of Final Drafts/", "/there won't be 
any Piraten Partei stance as Jens Seipenbusch won't hold any ballot on 
Final Drafts/". We in PIRATA have already held our internal ballot, and 
now I have to report my fellow party members about what have the rest of 
pirate parties done regarding this issue. Regards,

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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