[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Andrew Norton andrew.norton at pirate-party.us
Fri Jan 30 16:50:28 CET 2009

Jens Seipenbusch wrote:
> as the relevant german representative, i think that none of the 3 (very
> similar) drafts is good enough to already start the timeconsuming
> process of bringing it to the german pirates and hope for acceptance in
> a voting.
> As Reinier for example said, the first paragraph is reason enough to not
> waste the time for final translation and voting.
> We will hopefully be able to speak about all that in Helsinki.
> regards,

What IS the reason?
I tried asking him, and he would only say 'its too hard of an argument, 
and can be used against us' (you can turn any argument around, that's 
the nature of politics, and too hard is not a reason, but an excuse). 
After a few mails back and forth, he ended up calling me abusive, and a 
"troll funded by RIAA or IFPI.". I've given up on getting any rational 
arguments from him, so I hope you can provide some concrete rational 
basis for your objection, so I can understand, and see if it can be made 


> --
> Jens Seipenbusch
> vice chairman
> international coordination
> german pirate party
> js at piratenpartei.de
> Carlos Ayala Vargas schrieb:
>> Jens Seipenbusch wrote:
>> So, what has Piraten Partei decided? To reject Drafts A, B & C?
>> Or you, Jens Seipenbusch, personally, have decided that those weren't
>> valid drafts and thus have decided not to hold a Piraten Partei's ballot
>> on Pirate Manifesto's Final Drafts?
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