[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Sun Jan 25 01:32:54 CET 2009

Christian Hufgard wrote:
> Well, last time Jens pointed out, that he was chosen to represent the 
> german pirates. So he represents and decides. Some people don't like 
> this way, but must just don't care about ppi and the manifesto. 
> Espacially, since there does not exist a german version that a 
> non-natural-english-speaker can fully understand.
While I'm not a German language academic, what is this?


I mean, I think Helmut Pozimski wrote it; unless Helmut's German were so 
deficient -and I don't think so, otherwise you would have tons of 
troubles within Piraten Partei to communicate with him-, that's a German 
version. Better or worse, I don't know -if worse, why have nobody 
*during months* decided to fix its possible mistakes?-.

Also, I don't agree it as a valid argument for other two simple reasons:

- if you didn't enjoy Helmut's translation, you might have done a new 
one; thus maybe you weren't aware (Jens' fault) or you enjoyed it, and 
if you enjoy Helmut's translation but think that Final Drafts would need 
translations as well, provided that Final Drafts are reasonably simmilar 
to First Draft -with just specific modifications-, why have nobody at 
Piraten Partei done any translation?

As long as there are English-speaking people in Piraten Partei, I think 
that if no new translations have been made *in months* it's only due to 
anyone haven't had the will to do it. Regards,

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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