[pp.int.general] Some Proposals & a request for cooperation

Enrique Herrera Noya quiquetux at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 22:43:31 CEST 2009

Proposed use and design of the international pirate site, and some
suggestions for activities

transform the home into a system as a blog, which shows 2 or 3 news by
continent on one side the hottest topics of the forums.

also another section where it put the links in the list of countries
where there is a pirate party

a section of statements

the  request for cooperation
is I need to know the access speed of the link where
http://www.partidopirata.cl,  to provide a small space where the
countries are organizing, and do not point to the forum and have an
image similar to the others.

if you need space for hosting, I can make a price for pirate   P-)
35 euros monthly, but first testing access speed

Enrique Herrera Noya
Chairman of the Pirate Party of Chile

"Con un gran poder viene una gran responsabilidad, y no necesariamente
grandes retribuciones, de eso se trata la nobleza"
"With great power comes great responsibility, not necessarily large
salaries, that is what the nobility"

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