[pp.int.general] cultural flatrate: PP position?

Christian pp at christian-hufgard.de
Tue Jun 9 17:50:19 CEST 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
>>>> And like with levies on other media, a tax on the internet access
>>>> would take a lot of wind from the lawyers - at least in germany.
>>> I am aware of the Abmahnwahn problem in Germany. Is that why you want
>>> flatrates? Indeed this Abmahnwahn problem is dreadful.
>> I consider it as a fair solution - if the money is not at all given to
>> GEMA.
> Uh, where else should the money go? To the attorneys? 

No. To the government, like other taxes do.

>> Like I said, I would see it as a fair solution. Money for those, who
>> does not want to have their art copied for free, and also money for
>> supporting free artists.
> PP is not on earth to *confirm* basically the present system. Which is -
> admittedly - not entirely unreasonable (only 90% unreasonable, I guess).
> We need creative, imaginative, innovative solutions that challenge 100+
> year old assumptions of present copyright law, well, after Gutenbuerg,
> but before most other technbological developments.
> Anyway, on a more practical level, most of the collective money goes to
> the distributors, as a comopensation for the "investment" in the
> artists. But - as I said before - these industries have spread their risks.

And exactly that is what I think is the main problem. Artists have to
emancipate from the distributors. But if we want to help them, we have
to show them the way - and ask if the like it. At least that's the way I
think politics should work.


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