[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sun Nov 1 10:28:10 CET 2009

    But you as the user have agreed to that license. If you think they grant
    you to less freedom, you are free to use other content. You are not
    forced to use unfree products.

This is not the case with copyright.  Copyright is not a contract.
The user does not agree to it, the user just buys something.

Even in the case of contracts, the argument is partially wrong.  If
you agree to a contract that says you should be a bad neighbor,
breaking the contract is a lesser evil than keeping it.

To be really good, you should not agree to that contract in the first
place.  It does not follow that accepting the contract justifies
fulfilling it.  When social forces push people into signing unjust
contracts, to the point that it becomes a systematic injustice, the
contracts lose all moral force.

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