[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sun Nov 1 15:14:57 CET 2009

Bernhard Schillo wrote:
> I always tried to focus more on the copyright/patent
> goal, because i'm a copyright activist and this was my reason to be one
> of the founders of the german Pirate Party.

So, why didn't you take the chance to do some political work, the time
to have been in the steering commitee of the german pirate piraty?

> But there are people like
> Christian Hufgard, who hijacks every discussion about this topics,
> argues in the way of the media industry and discusses the topic to death.

Come on. You are just jealous, because you are not invented to speak on
panels and explain the position of the pirate party. I think you know
the videos from the panels I've been at. Did I just repeat the media
industry's point or did I argue for the pirate's position?

> That's a big problem in the german pirate party because so the media
> industry has a walk-over. The media of course presents willingly the
> people in the party who talk a lot of bullshit about whatever, but when
> it comes to the copyright-topic they describe us as antisocial people
> who want everything for free. 

Erm. Please read the texts at our website. I think, you as the former
policital chairmen should know there. There is exactly that written. We
want all culture for free.

> There are power games and intrigues in the party which disgust people like me.

You have had your chance - and to missed it. The steering commitee you
were in, nearly ruined the party.

> You may have noticed how Christian Hufgard attacked me in this
> discussion. When talking to him in "real life" i would lough at him and
> his ridiculous accusations. 

You have had your chance - several times.

> But on a mailinglist he can come with the
> same ridiculous accusations again and again and i have not enough time
> to start over again and again from the same point. So i have no choice
> but to ignore him and the Pirate Party Germany can become taken over by
> such people or at least prevented from working on its basic topics.

I would be really glad to see you do some work. There is enough to do.


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