[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Tue Nov 3 16:47:53 CET 2009

Nicolas Sahlqvist wrote:
> I do not mind to support free art and software, but there are not always
> alternatives (I happen to be a expat and getting Swedish books and movies
> are not distributed here, besides most other non English movies here are
> only subtitled in Dutch and  series I like to watch that may not even reach
> Europe..) and people may prefer non-free art and I do not see a issue with
> breaking a respect that never existed in the 1st place. 

So if they prefere non free art, why don't the wanna pay for it? Sorry,
that's beyond my mind. If they _cannot_ pay, that's a pretty difference.

> It is ok to record
> music from the radio and movies from the TV for non-profit use, but when
> downloading the same content we are not giving the artist respect and in
> some countries breaking local law? The argument falls on it's own silliness.

Every time it is played in the radio or in the tv, the creator gets
paied. I won't call this silly. :)


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