[pp.int.general] Subject: Re: International Pirates Day

Andrew Robinson a.robinson at pirateparty.org.uk
Wed Nov 11 17:28:20 CET 2009

2009/11/11 Andrew Norton <ktetch at gmail.com>:
> What I don't get it giving out copies of Linux. For an Open Source
> movement, yes. But the use of linux does not actively match with any
> of our policies.

I find Linux to be a very useful example of successful alternate
business model that thrives because the unit cost of duplication is
zero.. especially in the context of IBM's heavy involvement in Linux.

When asked by the mainstream media if I personally share files, I get
quite a few gasps when I say yes, and I then get to explain that I
share the latest Ubuntu distro, and move on to talk about the whole
idea of adapting to new business models. I bring in the fact that IBM
jumped the right way when typewriters were replaced by word
processors, and they have already jumped from paid software to free

This places whoever I'm arguing against in the position of not arguing
against a little-known political party's poistion, but against the
position of one of the world's biggest and most successful companies.

- Andrew

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