[pp.int.general] Translation of the Pirate Manifesto

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Fri Nov 13 16:02:40 CET 2009

> This kind of personal argument is not contributing anything to the PPI 
> mailinglist.

Agreed! With all the fuzz though, we should not forget that initially there 
was a *genuine* question: which manifesto should be translated e.g. into 
Italian, if any? I haven't seen a manifesto proposal yet suitable for 
political purposes 1) for promotion 2) as a set of principles binding 
pirates. In a volunteer organisation like PP, everyone can make proposals. 
But for external "marketing", the words should be chosen very carefully. We 
should not communicate any "preliminary" manifesto. It could  cause a lot of 
harm. Better no manifesto than a bad manifesto, imho.


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