[pp.int.general] Big Brother in NL?

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Mon Nov 23 22:59:57 CET 2009

>    From a privacy perspective, there is a privacy problem in public
>    transportation in NL due to the introduction of a nationwide chipcard
>    system,
> That is an opportunity to raise awareness of the issue and it's a
> problem that would not be very hard to fix.  (It would cost some
> money, but probably much less than what it cost to install
> the current system.)

Not very hard to fix? Please explain.

For cars, basically the idea is to make the pricing more honest, by taxing 
the *use* rather than the *posession* of a car. Any pricing scheme requires 
data collection, which is a privacy hazard.
Public transportation always was based on tickets. Again, automation 
requires data collection.

Perhaps the problems is that after 9/11 no politicians dares to day: these 
data will never be available for the police ... if they are honest.


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