[pp.int.general] Big Brother in NL?

Boris Turovskiy tourovski at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 23:04:18 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
> For cars, basically the idea is to make the pricing more honest, by 
> taxing the *use* rather than the *posession* of a car. Any pricing 
> scheme requires data collection, which is a privacy hazard.
Why? The system of counters for electricity which are then evaluated 
etc. works pretty well, and the only data it collects is the amount 
spent (for cars the equivalent would be the mileage). To fight 
congestion there is the London system where you need a kind of ticket to 
enter the city centre.
Yes, it's not as differentiated as a system that really tracks every 
movement (and then calculates the fees based on some three-pages-long 
formula, which is totally intransparent more often than not), but it 
provides a rather fair balance between environment and privacy.

Best regards,

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