[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Wed Oct 21 17:26:49 CEST 2009

    Because of these reasons my suggestion for a duration of copyright is 
    the lifetime of the crator PLUS 15 years after creation of the work. For 
    example when the artist dies at an age of 80 years and wrote a song at 
    the age of 75 years, the song would be copyrightet 10 years after his 

And if he writes a song at the age of 20 and lives to be 80,
that song will be copyrighted for 90 years.  That is too long.
It means society loses the benefit of
possible modified versions that might be interesting,
and other artists who want to make them are stifled.

It is a mistake to judge copyright issues primarily in terms of what
might be good for the copyright holder.  The issue is what's good for
the public.

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