[pp.int.general] La Quadrature du Net: Amendment 138 dead by lack of courage of the Parliament

Felix LeChaste felixlechaste at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 03:34:34 CET 2009

Le 23 oct. 09 à 10:28, Nicolas Sahlqvist a écrit :

> Phew, that took some time.. We still need to find out details how  
> this will
> affect our issues in practice, who is up for making a analyze of the  
> 272
> pages Lisbon Treaty?
> http://europa.eu/lisbon_treaty/full_text/index_en.htm

I can't tell you save that amongst the "NOers" against the TEC* in  
France, it is believed to be the same as the TEC, just worse… And the  
Lisbon treaty is in a form especially complicated to confuse readers  
even more.

Most important: instead of the Lisbon treaty, it's the consolidated  
treaties after the mods operated by it that should be studied (388  
pages…) as it'll be less obscure. (AFAIK)

partipirate.org mod and editor
Patents kill kittens

*the "constitution" which wasn't one but acted as so. I was actively  
campaigning against it in 2005

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