[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Tue Oct 27 03:15:43 CET 2009

    Secondly, on a pragmatic level - imagine turning up at any concert with an
    audience full of fans and attempting to protest the one person they are
    *devoted* enough to to pay to come and see live. Hardly the ideal approach.

I think it is exactly the way to change their view of that person.  If
the leaflets are suitably written, showing how the musician has taken
a cruel position towards fans, and without adding its own hostility,
people will consider the issue that it raises.  And if they are given
pointers to more info, some will look, and the others will not be
influenced either way.

    We need positive educational approach to bringing people around to the
    reality of IP

Copyright is a reality, but "IP" is not a reality, just a misleading
description of it.  See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html.

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