[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Thu Oct 29 10:43:21 CET 2009

> And you are "at the top of the charts" (and with that I mean being a
> famous musician, not one that sells many albums) if everyone listens to
> you. That is easier if you give the people the chance to hear your music
> for free.

That are pretty different points. The charts are based upon (record)
sales. Of course you can redifine the word, but we should do this before

> And you are wrong, it's crosspromoting live concerts with music recordings
> that does not pay off - unless you are "at the top of the charts". Only
> very famous and already rich musicians earn a considerable part of their
> money from records, 99% of musicians live out of live concerts.

Can you give and evidence to that figures? Or do you just guess them,
because they proof the way to consume music?

>> > Normally, when I download music, I download the whole discography. And
>> if
>> > I like them and they come to visit us I go to their concert. Then they
>> > earn enough money to pay the producers of their next album.
>> And you really believe, that visiting a single concert can fully
>> compensate downloading the whole discography?
> They should be glad I wanted to listen to them and invest my time and ears
> on them, there's nothing I have to compensate.

You are using your pure consumer's force to get something, you are not
willing to pay for. I hope, that you never get interested in my car... Or
should I be glad, if you drive it for me?

> I am just freely accessing to culture.

And the way you do it, you make it pretty less interesting for artists to
"produce" new "culture".

> I'm not making artists lose any money because if I couldn't get
> their music from the internet for free, I would not buy their music, and
> it's because I download their music that, perhaps, maybe, at least I
> consier to go to one of their concerts.

You're a pretty noble guy. I think every artist should be really really
glad, if you listen to his music. So do you regulary visit concerts? Or
are you just a cultural parasite, consuming what others peoples pay for?

> If at this moment you are considering my arguments are crazy, reconsider
> that, because those arguments have been good enouh for my country, Spain.
> Here it is legal to share copyrighted products (except for sotware) like
> movies, music or books if you don't do it for profit.

I know that spain is pretty relaxed in private copies. But why is software


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