[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Fri Oct 30 12:10:33 CET 2009

>> > When people share copies, it does take anything away from anyone, so
>> > there is no loss.  Also, the artists are not doing work specifically
>> > for these people.  So there is no occasion to "compensate" anyone.
>> Technically not. But you use something without compensating the creator.
>> What would you say, if someone uses your code without releasing the new
>> software under GPL again? You have no loss in money, there ist just less
>> free code than if he had released it under GPL again.
> If you modify a GPL software and you don't release the code nor the
> executable,  to anyone but you, that's fine under the GPL license.

I meant the case, that you modify gpl code and release the new code as yours.


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