[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sat Oct 31 19:11:49 CET 2009

Brian McNeil wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 17:09 +0100, Christian Hufgard wrote:
> <snip>
>> Erm. If it's not up to the politicians to create the rules for the
>> market, who's responsibility is it? If you predict "it is legal to copy
>> anything without paying any dime to anybody", its your respsonibility to
>> think about the results. What happens to the market, after you removed
>> this level of protection? Otherwise you are no better than other
>> politicians, who writes laws without knowing what they will cause.
> Damn the market, and those who believe they have a right to make money
> in perpetuity. Copyright is a *privilege* we, the people, grant. 

Full Ack. And I think, due to those rights some really fine art has been
created. Artists (yeah, and the evil, evil record industry) had a
limited exclusive right to sell copies of creative work. To extend this
rights more and more was a fatal mistake.

> Stop
> arguing for those who make the most money from it. The basis for their
> arguments is not the public good, nor the free exchange of ideas, it is
> all about getting more money in their pockets.

Well, that stimulation enhanced the richness of art.

> And *don't* accuse anyone here of being uninformed about the function
> they serve until you actually know how they go about it. A record
> contract is 'legalised slavery';  they tell you you'll get a huge pile of
> cash to make and sell a record. YOU, as the signed artist, pay for all
> the promotion, all the advertising, the 'image consultants' who tell you
> how you should look, talk, think, and act. To quote Frank Zappa, "...
> and you will do as you are told, until the rights to you are sold."

And where exactly is the difference to a normal working contract? I also
have to do, what my boss tells me. Otherwise I'll have to get a new job.

> The music industry is corrupt and disgusting. Stop trying to defend it.

Generalization sucks. There is no "music industry". There are for major
labels and thousands of indipendants. Are the all evil, because they try
to sell music?


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