[pp.int.general] Fake Rolex

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sun Apr 11 20:26:53 CEST 2010

Stephane Bakhos wrote:
> There are a lot of customers that are only buying based on banding.
> Apple managed to reinvent themselves into a trendy hip brand with the
> iPod, then the throngs of trendy/hip people were quite happy to line up
> at the stores for hours and hours to buy an overpriced phone (or pad for
> that matter) that has all the features of an overpriced ball and chain.

Well, espacialy apple fanboys tend to buy only in official apple shops.
So you had to pay really lot of effort to get them tricked.

> There are literally thousands of brands out there that concentrate on
> targeting people who are ready to pay a premium for the brand.

And those customers would buy in the official shops and not somewhere else.


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