[pp.int.general] PPI Conf - closing airspace

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Thu Apr 15 21:34:01 CEST 2010

Perhaps we should acknowledge potential far-reaching effects of the present 
volcano cloud. Volcanic clouds in history have caused more or less 
significant climate changes. The present cloud may well end, of 
significantly delay global warming.

Some people anyhow argued that global warming is a hysteria without ground. 
Leaving aside whether they are right or wrong, reality is that firms have 
discovered global waring as a major business opportunity. Which was to be 
exploited by patents. I still remember General Electric people making 
agressive statements with dollar signs in their eyes in Geneva.

If this business opportunity now collapses due to (yet another) Islandic 
disaster, a new WW crisis is likely to occur. Like dying stars, the patent 
system will grow to a red giant, killing all life withing a trillion 
kilometers, before a white dwarf emerges.

I still recall Christian Engström saying (in a slightly different context): 
I falling giant can cause a lot of damage ....


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