[pp.int.general] Support for Julian Assange and Wikileaks

Stefan Sakowitz Multireal at gmx.de
Thu Dec 2 18:51:21 CET 2010

Erik stressed: 

The topic of the thread is " Support for Julian Assange and Wikileaks". 

Hi, Erik,

If we´d like to, we´d get it cheap.
If we´re real democrats, defenders of free
speech and other basic democratic rights,
everything we do contradicts the most
intentions of most governments worldwide.

Or put it the other way round:
Felt pretty amused, when I recognized the
structure of US-state-department-reports.
They´re ordered by the rank of enemies.
The sixth worse enemy of state-department
is noone less than the UN, i.e. whole mankind.
Means: If you´re not supporting a power,
willing to prosecute everyone for anything,
you could be, according to US-understanding,
be active, without knowing of it.

But, Erik, didn´t you start the right thing ?
Building up independant, unvulnerable
communication systems and a stable source
for true information is the operation,
helping Julian Assange most.


MULTIREAL - Arts & Action
Technology and ideas

Stefan Sakowitz


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