[pp.int.general] LOPPSI to be discussed in february

Radosław Nadstawny radoslaw.nadstawny at o2.pl
Wed Jan 20 02:53:31 CET 2010

Dnia 2010-01-20, o godz. 03:03:01
Antti Impiö <anttipng at gmail.com> napisał(a):

> If you don't want to google it, here's the summary:
> "Loppsi 2 allows the state to install software that can "observe,
> collect, record, save, and transmit" keystrokes from computers on
> which it is installed. In essence, it allows for government-installed
> Trojans for a period of four months; a judge can extend this period
> for four months more."
> From Arstechnica.com
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> Pirate Parties International - General Talk
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Hello all

I'm not french, but if it happens in France, then I think we can
sooner or later expect some similar attempts throughout the rest of EU.

The idea of governments legitimately using some kind of virus-like
software against it's citizens is quite bizarre. For example, it raises
some curious questions about possible implementation. Will it be
illegal to use operating systems immune to such "software"? Will the
antivirus software be required not to intercept such
government-launched attacks? If not, it will be almost completely
useless. And if yes, this will make the REAL cyber-criminals' (who act
outside the law anyway) work much easier, won't it? Besides trampling
citizens' fundamental rights, of course.

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