[pp.int.general] LOPPSI to be discussed in february

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Wed Jan 20 18:05:40 CET 2010

    "Loppsi 2 allows the state to install software that can "observe,
    collect, record, save, and transmit" keystrokes from computers on
    which it is installed. In essence, it allows for government-installed
    Trojans for a period of four months; a judge can extend this period
    for four months more."

I don't think it is wrong for police to be able to investigate
what people are doing, when they show a valid reason.  So this
raises two questions, for me:

1. Do the police have to get permission from a judge
before they can initially install the trojan?
Or is it only when they want to extend after the first 4 months?

2. Is it illegal to run a system with good security, such as GNU/Linux
(at least sometimes), so that the police are unable to install the

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