[pp.int.general] ACTA declaration

Stephane Bakhos nuitari at pirateparty.ca
Fri Jul 9 08:37:24 CEST 2010

> On Fri, 9 Jul 2010, Boris Turovskiy wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I disagree. It is much better to call copyrights and patents a
>>> mercantilist monopoly (which it is). It gives you the choice of the battle
>>> field rather than your opponent.
>> yeah, you can call anything a "mercantilist monopoly" and with that
>> appeal to left-extreme motherfuckers.
>> I thought we were against that type of senseless categorizing.
> Sorry pal, but copyrights and patents _are_ a mercantilist policy. They
> were originated by the same people who thought a monopoly on overseas
> trade (with India etc.) was a good idea.

Yes let's all spend ages debating this, instead of doing something to 
actually further the pirate movement.

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