[pp.int.general] Sponsoring Free! Music! Contest

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Fri Jul 16 06:59:52 CEST 2010

Hi there!

Free! Music! Contest 2010
(http://musik.klarmachen-zum-aendern.de/free_music_contest-2010-en) is
running since two weeks and the resonance is great! We reached 100
registrations yesterday! With Cory Doctorow we found a pretty well known
CC Author as patron.

We are still looking for sponsors and organisations reserving CDs. And
that's where you enter the game. :) In germany we proved, that giving
away free CDs with creative commons music is a good way to show how
pirates think about artists that do not sue their fans - we love and
support them!

If you are interestesd to jump in and order at least 100 CDs (250€ +
shipping), your pirate party would be also mentioned as official
supporter of the contest. (German pirate party is already listed).

To thronw in another figure: The artists this year reside in 28
differenz countries from all continents (except antartica...)

If you are interested, please contact me at
christian.hufgard at musikpiraten-ev.de


1. Chairman Musikpiraten e.V.

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