[pp.int.general] /!\ URGENT /!\ | Help PPNL to win the elections by answering our easy questions !

Mikko Särelä msarela at cc.hut.fi
Tue Jun 1 06:38:58 CEST 2010

On Mon, 31 May 2010, coretx at piratenpartij.nl wrote:
> Next Thursday we're having a debate versus a "jurist" (in 't engels) 
> about why copyright-protected work should be free for non-commercial 
> use. We'll be going head to head, and we'll be getting 24-second turns 
> to make 10 arguments each for why this is.
> We figured let's crowdsource this a little. What are the best arguments 
> you've heard to prove our point as Pirate Parties about why 
> copyright-protected works should be free for non-commercial use?


Monitoring private sharing requires monitoring all internet 
communications. This includes now and even more so in the future 
communications between loved ones, family, your doctor, your lawyer, your 
email, your voice over IP phone calls, your priest, and your employer. 
Everything will have to be monitored and we shall have lost our privacy.

Internet is built in such a fashion that it routes packets of information. 
All applications, such as email, web, skype, etc. have been built upon 
this. Any communications on top of Internet may contain copyrighted 
material, and hence will have to be monitored.

So, ask the lawyer first, does he put any value on privacy? Or privacy in 
one's communications with one's lawyer? Then explain why monitoring 
Internet communications is wrong.

Mikko Särelä
"It is through exchange that difference becomes a blessing, not a
curse", Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain

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