[pp.int.general] PPI helps PPNL during election campaign

Stephane Bakhos nuitari at pirateparty.ca
Thu Mar 4 21:35:38 CET 2010

> Am Donnerstag, den 04.03.2010, 20:31 +0100 schrieb Christian Hufgard:
>> Valentin Villenave wrote:
>>> Speaking of weird countries, in France it took us 8 (eight !) months
>>> to find a bank that didn't throw us out the minute we said "Parti
>>> Pirate". (And another three months for the public bank that accepted
>>> us, to finally open the account.) Please do not take these things for
>>> granted; if PPNL is on a tight schedule, I can certainly relate to
>>> their difficulties.
>> Mkaaay... Was just wondering. :) In my little city it took me about 15
>> minutes to get a bank account for an association named Musikpiraten
>> (music pirates). :)
> Fr ur local party account we needed about 20 minutes. but this is
> Germany, t. Sounds like it is easier here to get an account.
> Stephan

It tooks the govenment 4 months to complete the NPO registration and 
immatriculation to get the paperwork to allow us to open a bank account in 

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