[pp.int.general] Why Free Software misses the point

Boris Turovskiy tourovski at gmail.com
Thu May 13 23:53:31 CEST 2010

Ahoi Percy,
the main reasons for me to join the Pirates have been that it's about 
the only movement which has a view on copyright that I consider 
acceptable and contemporary, and also that unlike traditional political 
parties which are stuck with age-old positions and policies in the 
Pirate movement everybody can contribute (the irony is not lost on me 
that the second part is exactly contrary to what I've stated in my 
article about "users" - in that case, "political users" who want to vote 
on policies, not work on them).
However, problems caused by modern copyright and its enforcement affect 
everybody, up to the point when I can't legally make a copy of a DVD for 
my own backup. The Pirate movement couldn't achieve the successes it has 
if we had been as depreciating of people's needs as the FSF's policy 

Best regards,

> Boris, after reading your article, I am just curious - if that is your
> position, what are your reasons for supporting the Pirate movement?
> I'm not trying to be rude here, but I'm just wondering, because it
> seems to me the position you take is at odds with *part* (not all) of
> what I've always known the Pirate movement to be about. Forgive my
> ignorance.

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