[pp.int.general] Is there anyone from Hawaii?

Partido Pirata Argentino ppirataargentino at gmail.com
Mon May 24 05:16:48 CEST 2010

Argentina has a rich history of privateers, One of the most famous is
Hipólito Bouchard.

Argentina was recognized as an independent country the first time out
of America by the king of Hawaii, when Hipólito Bouchard was there.

"he decided to meet king Kamehameha I wearing his uniform of
Lieutenant Colonel of the United Provinces of River Plate. During the
meeting Bouchard demanded the restitution of the corvette. However,
the king argued he had paid 600 hundredweight  of sandalwood  for her
and that he deserved a compensation. Bouchard trade his sword and
commander hat, along with a honorific title of Lieutenant Colonel of
the United Provinces awarded to the king for the corvette and some
supplies, with the condition of leaving Kauai for Molokai. Argentine
historian, author and 6th President of Argentina Bartolomé Mitre wrote
of this agreement as the first "international treaty" signed by
Argentina with a non-Latin American country, an interpretation
dismissed by later historians"


Then he go to California (it was spanish at that time) and California
was of argentina from sometime.....

In the west coast of Estados Unidos like San José Capistrano and
others places celebrate the Pirate Day  recalling the passage of

We have a place of honor to Bouchard in our site:


If in the list is anyone of Hawaii we want to change some
documents....The hawaian natives goes with Boucharda and ..Well is
another histoy.

Have a nice week.


Partido Pirata Argentino

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