[pp.int.general] Call for ideas

Amelia Andersdotter teirdes at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 01:53:34 CET 2010

On 11/18/2010 08:04 PM, PP Tunisie wrote:
> Hi Mary, thank you very much. So far we're still debating the options
> we have so far as to the place are Dakar, Morocco (Casa, or Rabat),
> Sweden or 

if you go for morocco it would be cool if you simultaneously did
something small (like on presentation) on moroccan control over
telecommunications in the occupied areas of westsahara(?) i'm given to
understand the gaza strip and western sahara have severely suffering
telecommunications systems for their citizens (partly because of sucky
governance but also) because of the occupational powers.

it doesn't make media sense to hold a north african conference in
europe. my spontaneous assessment would be that it's easier for all
pirate parties to promote the conference if it's organised in africa by
and african pirate party (but i am also not pr genius, and there may be
other considerations i am not aware of).


> France (Paris, Lyon, Marseille). Latest WikiLeaks problems are
> eliminating Sweden. Can PP FR send a representative to the mini
> conference if done outside of France? what if it's done in France
> (Paris, Lyon or Marseille)? The tentative dates are end of December,
> we would love to have you with us. Also if you know cyber dissidents
> from repressive countries (Iran, China, Cuba, Middle East, Africa)
> that are in France and could attend and hopefully give a talk (even
> anonymously) that would be great.
> Thank you
> SuX 

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