[pp.int.general] Correct word usage for PP.

Boris Turovskiy tourovski at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 00:49:37 CEST 2011

Hi Stéphane,

> Some of you pointed out the economic academic use of "good".
> I am sorry to tell you that legal use of "good" is not the one of economic academic use.
Neither the legal academic use nor the economic academic use is of real
relevance to the discussion we are leading at the moment, as we're
talking about what words/terms we should use in our external
communication, and therefore the important question concerns the
connotations and implications certain words carry for a majority of the
people who speak a language.

> Many economic theories do not care about balance as the "holy hand of market" is there (driving us straight into the wall).
The division of Pirates into left-wing and right-wing (on the economic
scale, i.e. moving between the extremes of communism and neo-liberalism)
is something I do not think we'll ever overcome, so let's not even start
arguing about that point:)

> I absolutely do not agree to those who "rifle" RMS saying his work is totally ignored. Anyone is free to tell it for him/her-self but please don't be so arrogant to talk in the name of "Pirate Parties all over the world".
Please read carefully what I wrote. I talked specifically about the
lists of words in the "Pirate Dictionary".

> If you believe human rights are BS, I am sorry to tell you that I joined the PP precisely because I considered the Pirate argument *is* about human rights.
Please read carefully what I wrote. I most surely don't think human
rights are BS, I just don't agree there is a connection between software
and human rights.

> A screwdriver is not really what I care for (except when I drive a screw), but a fair trial is a human right, dignity is a human right, being wealth is a human right,... and of course accessing "published works" for individual improvement and education is, in my opinion, a human right.
Likewise, software is not really what I care for (except when I need it
to do some task), and I see absolutely no relationship between software
and the human rights of fair trial or dignity.

> My moto is "no god, no master" so please don't talk in my name so rude. I'd appreciate it.
I didn't talk in your name, I stated a fact.

Best regards,

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