[pp.int.general] The Venus project?

Stéphane Vanbellinghen carnops at pirateparty.be
Sat Aug 6 16:27:04 CEST 2011


Before joining the Belgian Pirate Party, in 2009, I dug a little bit on this 
after a friend recommended the 1st Zeitgeist movie.

Even if the movies are not totally accurate, it has the merit to question many 
things that I didn't consider before and to spot the important topics to 
design the future.

The Venus Project has, in my opinion, interesting ideas on urban planning, 
transportation, energy production, ressources management and so on.

I've quite the same feeling as Giulio Prisco when he says :

> But the proposed solutions are too centralized for my taste, I smell a
> type of benevolent authoritarianism that I prefer to keep away from.

I wouldn't give my trust to either a centralized AI as decision maker or a 
benevolant dictator.

Anyway, if you are interested on the topic, read the VP documents and compare 
it to some other available informations to shape your point of view.


Pirate Party Belgium
+32 496 74 28 02

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