[pp.int.general] Pirate Education....

Pat Maechler aka Valio pirate at valio.ch
Wed Aug 10 19:17:27 CEST 2011

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Enrique Herrera Noya
<quiquetux at gmail.com> wrote:
> The "Pirate Party" and education
> What would be the position of the PPI, for public education?
> just published? private well?
> respect of profit in education?

There is usually no "PPI" position, but just position of it's members ;-)
I intended to start a discussion on this issue on the last GA in the
open space, but there were hardly any results
page 15 https://www.mypirates.net/assets/894/PPI%20OpenSpace%202011%20Friedrichshafen%20Documentation.pdf
or page 7 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rFKrofuHs6oRZG-IfJ5GH5YcNQ5DKXtKSSsVo2uXc_I/edit?hl=en&authkey=CIG3-b0M&pli=1#

What certainly is addressed by most PPs is Open Access in higher education.

>From PP Switzerland we have these positions (all texts in German, sorry)
1) Pushing for Open Access publishing
Summarized reasoning: Scientific knowledge should be public
2) Pushing for better media education
Summarized reasoning: Civics should be educated in handling media;
censoring media is a bad solution
3) Unified scholarship system and access to it
Summarized reasoning: Youths should have access to higher education,
not depending on the monetary situation of their parents; in
Switzerland there are 26 different scholarship systems depending on
your place of birth, which is bad for equality and competition
3a) No increase of the tuition fee in higher education
Summarized reasoning: as long as the bad situation described in (3)
persists, tuition fees should certainly not be increased (there was a
debate back then)

Furthermore positions by regional chapters have been adopted
4) Support for civics lessons in school by PP Basel
Summarized reasoning: This is a cornerstone for participation in
democracy; it relates to a transparent government
5) Position on schools by PP Zurich http://zh.piratenpartei.ch/schule
Summarized reasoning: (I haven't read this one in detail yet and don't
want to misrepresent it)

Because I researched that topic "education" once for someone else, I
know that PP Germany and some of it's chapters took some position on
education as well
- Germany http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Ausarbeitung_des_Parteiprogrammpunkts_Bildungspolitik
- Baden-Württemberg

That's all I'm currently aware of by heart.


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